Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Just a Story

It's 9:00 a.m. I wake up as the tick-tick-tick of the moth on my ceiling light disturbs my deepest dreams. There's a smell of old food emanating from the plate peeking from underneath my bed. Fuck it. The sun's evil children creep through my window, blinding my eyes and making my blinds beg to be closed. I don't seem to have any pants on, but that's how I roll. The bed below me is my closest friend until my feet make love to my shag carpet. Psht, shag. So outdated.

It's 9:12 a.m. I enter my kitchen, welcomed by the silence and the smell of fresh coffee that I didn't make. To be honest, I really don't know who did. Whatever. After a quick breakfast and a cup of weak java, I head for the bathroom. I take a shower, with soap, and dry off with the same towel I haven't washed in at least a week. Let the mediocrity begin.

It's 10:03 a.m. The news is depressing as usual: someone died in a car accident, there was a horrific fire on Main Street, the economy still sucks and Miss America has a sex tape. The soaps that proceed this mess are typical as well: "Marissa, your father was found....alive." The shows vomit cliché. With a point and a click, I'm back to square one.

It's 11:07 a.m. I open my front door to tease myself with a breeze, hoping my body will step foot across the threshold; it won't. Sunuva bitch. For quite a length of time, I sit in my chair, staring out the window at the world around me. Between the little girl on her bike equipped with training wheels and that forty-something-year old woman jogging with her dog, my life inside seems to be a little more exciting. At least there's air conditioning.

It's 12:34 p.m. The damn air conditioner broke and I'm sweating my ass off. The high-noon sun, being the bastard that he is, cooks my house from the outside in. I find a fan in my utility closet, dusty with age. This will have to do for now.

It's 1:01 p.m. I decided to put the fan in my room and just "chill" in there. Judging by how the rest of the day has gone, I'm due for a nap. I rest my head on the cold side of the pillow, drape the mink blanket over one of my legs and drift into sleep. I'm sure it will be a quick nap. An hour, two tops.

It's 9:00 a.m. Good morning.

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